Academic Journal Articles
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Applications of CBA
Bollen, J, Hers, S. van der Zwaan, B. (2010). An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Air Pollution and Energy Security Policy. Energy Policy, 38, 8, 4021-4030.
Cilek, P., Janko, W., Koch, S., Mild, A., Taudes, A. (2004). A Hedonic Wage Model-based Methodology for Evaluating the Benefits of IT Investments in Public Sector Organisations. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 17, 4, 269-275.
Crompton, J.L. (1995). Economic impact analysis of sports facilities and events: eleven sources of misapplication. Journal of Sport Management, 9 (1), 14–35.
Fellows, N.T. and Pitfield, D.E. (2000). An Economic and Operational Evaluation of Urban Car-Sharing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 5, 1, 1-10.
Hahn, R. and Passel, P. (2010). The Economics of allowing more US Oil Drilling. Energy Economics, 32, 3, 638-50.
Jorge, J-D. and de Rus, G. (2004). Cost–Benefit Analysis of Investments in Airport Infrastructure: a Practical Approach. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10, 5, 311-326.
Kasimati, E. (2003). Economic Aspects of the Summer Olympics: A Review of Related Research. International Journal of Tourism Research, 5 (6), 433-44.
Kidokoro, Y. (2004). Cost Benefit Analysis for Transport Network: Theory and Application. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 38, 2, 275-307.
Kuckshinrichs, W., Kronenberg, T., Hansen, P. (2010). The Social Return on Investment in the Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Germany. Energy Policy, 38, 8, 4317-4329.
Linn, M. (2010). Cost Benefit Analysis: A Primer. The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, 23, 1, 31-36.
Lusk, J. and Norwood, F.B. (2009). Some Economic Benefits and Costs of Vegetarianism. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 38, 2, 109-124.
Morisugi, H. (2000). Evaluation Methodologies of Transportation Projects in Japan. Transport Policy, 7, 1, 35-40.
Morse, S. (2006). Assessing the Value: Work-based learning placements for Post-Graduate Human Resource Students? Journal of European Industrial Training, 30, 9, 735-755.
Polyzos, S. and Minetos, D. (2007). Valuing Environmental Resources in the context of Flood and Coastal Defence Project Appraisal: A case-study of Poole Borough Council seafront in the UK. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 18, 6, 684-710.
Prud’homme, R. and Bocarejo, J. P. (2005). The London Congestion Charge: a Tentative Economic Appraisal. Transport Policy, 12, 279-287.
Salpeter, S., Sander, G., Salpeter, E., Owens, D. (1997). Monitored Isoniazid Prophylaxis for Low-Risk Tuberculin Reactors Older Than 35 Years of Age: A Risk-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 127, 12, 1051-1061.
Salter, E. and Ford, J. (2001). Holistic Environmental Assessment and Offshore Oil Field Exploration and Production. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42, 1, 45-58.
Swoveland, C. (1981). Benefit Cost Analysis of a Proposed Runway Development. Journal of Management Science, 27, 2, 155-173.
Yiu, C.Y. and Leung, A. (2005). A Cost Benefit Evaluation of Housing Rehabilitation, Structural Survey, 23, 2, 138-151.
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