Academic Journal Articles
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Theoretical and Conceptual
Adler, M. and Posner E. (1999). Re-thinking Cost Benefit Analysis. The Yale Law Journal, 109, 165-245.
Aven, T. and Kørte, J. (2003). On the use of Risk and Decision Analysis to support Decision Making. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 79, 3, 289-299.
Bala, M. Zarkin, G. Mauskopf, J. (2002). Conditions for the Near Equivalence of Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analyses. Value in Health, 5, 4, 338-346.
Bleichrodt, H., Crainich, D., Eeckhoudt, L. (2003). Comorbidities and Willingness to Pay for Health Improvements. Journal of Public Economics, 87, 11, 2399-2406.
Bristow, A.L. and Nellthorp, J. (2000). Transport Project Appraisal in the European Union. Transport Policy, 7, 1, 51-60.
Elixhauser, A., Halpern, M., Schmier, J., Luce, B. (1998). Health Care CBA and CEA from 1991 to 1996: An Updated Bibliography. Medical Care, 36, 5, 1-9.
Elvic, R. (2001). Cost Benefit Analysis of Road Safety Measures: Applicability and Controversies. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 33, 1, 9-17.
Evans, D. (2009). Uncertainty and Social Discounting in the very long term. Journal of Economic Studies, 36, 5, 522-540.
Foster, C.D. (2001). Michael Beesley and Cost Benefit Analysis. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 35, 1, 3-30.
Graham, D. (1981). Cost Benefit Analysis under Uncertainty. American Economic Review, 71, 4, 715-725.
Heininger, U. (2009). A Risk Benefit Analysis of Vaccination. Vaccine, 275, 6, 9-12.
Hoffmann, E. and von Wangenheim, G. (2003). Trade Secrets versus Cost Benefit Analysis. International Review of Law and Economics, 22, 511-526.
Holt, G. and Elliot, D. (2002). Cost Benefit Analysis: a Summary of Methodology. The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, 15, 4, 154-158.
Hummel-Rossi, B. and Ashdown, J. (2002). The State of Cost Benefit Analysis and Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Education. Review of Educational Research, 72, 1, 1-30.
Hunter, W.J. (1988). Economic impact studies: inaccurate, misleading, and unnecessary. Study 21. Heartland Institute: Chicago.
Jones-Lee, M. and Aven, T. (2009). The role of Social Cost–Benefit Analysis in Societal Decision-Making under large Uncertainties with Application to Robbery at a Cash Depot. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 94, 12, 1954-1961.
Mackie, P. and Preston, J. (1998). Twenty One sources of Error and Bias in Transport Project Appraisal. Transport Policy, 5, 1, 1-7.
Mazur, A. (1985). Bias in Risk Benefit Analysis. Technology in Society, 7, 1, 25-30.
Salling, K. B. and Banister, D. (2009). Assessment of Large Transport Infrastructure Projects: The CBA-DK Model. Transportation Research Part A, 43, 9-10, 800-813.
Shrader-Frechette, K. (1985). The real risks of Risk Cost Benefit Analysis. Technology in Society, 7, 4, 399, 409.
Toman, M. (2006). Values in the Economics of Climate Change. Environmental Values, 15, 3, 365-379.
Williams, A. (1992). Cost Effectiveness Analysis: is it Ethical? Journal of Medical Ethics, 18, 1, 7-11.
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